Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008

Download mIRC Full Version

mIRC merupakan perangkat lunak untuk Internet Relay Chat atau chatting secara online yang jalan di atas sistem operasi Windows. mIRC diciptakan tahun 1995 yang telah dibuat oleh Khaled Mardam-Bey, berguna untuk berbincang (chatting) antar sesama pengguna mIRC diseluruh dunia. Perangkat lunak ini memiliki pengguna terbanyak dalam kategori chatting, terbukti setelah perangkat lunak ini di download sebanyak 9,129,578 kali dari servis CNET pada Oktober 2007. Nielsen-Net memasukan mIRC ke dalam daftarnya sebagai “10 terbaik applikasi internet” pada tahun 2003.

Dengan tersedianya script, para pengguna bisa mengatur cara bekerja mIRC sebebas-bebasnya.

Huruf ‘m’ dalam singkatan mIRC belum diketahui pasti, tetapi dalam FAQ dalam FORUM mIRC, pihak mIRC mengatakan ‘m’ adalah singkatan dari “Moo”.


* Adanya skripsi yang dapat membuat mIRC dapat diatur sebebas-bebasnya.
* Banyaknya pengguna yang memungkinkan pengguna lainnya lebih mudah untuk mencari teman.
* Ribuan channel tersedia (nama channel bebas atau ditentukan sesuai domisili).


* Anda tidak bisa chatting dengan media suara dan gambar seperti di Yahoo Messenger atau CamFrog atau MSN. Anda hanya bisa chatting dengan basis teks.
* Hanya beberapa server yang bekerja pada mIRC saat ini (Contoh: DALnet, EFNet, QuakeNet, AllNet, dan sebagainya).
* Tidak bisa memilih regional / domisili dari teman chatting kita secara pasti.

Saat ini mIRC telah mengeluarkan versi mIRC v6.31 untuk Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2k/XP/Vista (1.64MB).
Kalo kalian ingin tahu dan download mIRC versi berapa saja (dari terlama ampe terbaru) yang telah dikeluarkan oleh http://www.mirc.com/ selaku pabrikan software yang memfasilitasi untuk chatting tersebut silahkan sedottt... sepuas-puasnya link dibawah ini :D

  • download mIRC versi 2.1a -2.7a

* download mIRC 2.1a (release 28 Februari 1995)
* download mIRC 2.4a (release 5 Maret 1995)
* download mIRC 2.5a (release 8 Maret 1995)
* download mIRC 2.6b (release 13 Mei 1995)
* download mIRC 2.7a (release 18 Maret 1995)

  • download mIRC versi 3.0b - 3.92

* download miRC 3.0b (release 30 Maret 1995)
* download mIRC 3.1 (release 23 April 1995)
* download mIRC 3.2 (release 2 Mei 1995)
* download mIRC 3.3 (release 21 Juni 1995)
* download mIRC 3.4 (release 21 Juni 1995)
* download mIRC 3.42 (release 29 Juni 1995)
* download mIRC 3.5 (release 7 Agustus 1995)
* download mIRC 3.51 (release 13 Agustus 1995)
* download mIRC 3.6 (release 31 Agustus 1995)
* download mIRC 3.64 (release 11 Septemeber 1995)
* download mIRC 3.7 (release 12 Oktober 1995 )
* download mIRC 3.72 (release 24 Oktober 1995)
* download mIRC 3.8 (release 25 November 1995)
* download mIRC 3.9 (release 28 Desember 1995)
* download mIRC 3.92 (release 1 Juni 1996)

  • download mIRC versi 4.0 - 4.72

* download mIRC 4.0 (release 20 Maret 1996)
* download mIRC 4.1 (release 27 April 1996)
* download mIRC 4.5 (release 30 Juni 1996)
* download mIRC 4.52 (release 7 Juli 1996)
* download mIRC 4.6 (release 9 Juli 1996)
* download mIRC 4.7 (release 12 September 1996)
* download mIRC 4.75 (release 9 Januari 1997)

  • download mIRC versi 5.0 - 5.91

* download mIRC 5.0 (release 2 April 1997)
* download mIRC 5.02 (release 21 April 1997)
* download mIRC 5.1 (release 24 Agustus 1997)
* download mIRC 5.11 (release 11 September 1997)
* download mIRC 5.3 (release 13 Desember 1997)
* download mIRC 5.31 (release 4 Januari 1998)
* download mIRC 5.4 (release 23 Juni 1998)
* download mIRC 5.41 (release 24 Juli 1998)
* download mIRC 5.5 (release 1 Agustus 1999)
* download mIRC 5.51 (release 19 Februari 1999)
* download mIRC 5.6 (release 6 Maret 1999)
* download mIRC 5.61 (release 23 Semptember 1999)
* download mIRC 5.7 (release 2 Februari 2000)
* download mIRC 5.71 (release 7 Mei 2000)
* download mIRC 5.8 (release 5 September 2000)
* download mIRC 5.81 (release 9 November 2000)
* download mIRC 5.82 (release 14 Desember 2000)
* download mIRC 5.9 (release 26 April 2001)
* download mIRC 5.91 (release 15 Juni 2001)

  • download mIRC versi 6.0 - 6.31

* download mIRC 6.0 (release 3 Februari 2002)
* download mIRC 6.01 (release 10 Februari 2002)
* download mIRC 6.02 (release 6 Juni 2002)
* download mIRC 6.03 (release 16 Agustus 2002)
* download mIRC 6.1 (release 19 Agustus 2003)
* download mIRC 6.11 (release 10 Oktober 2003)
* download mIRC 6.12 (release 13 Oktober 2003)
* download mIRC 6.14 (release 3 Maret 2004)
* download mIRC 6.15 (release 3 Juni 2004)
* download mIRC 6.16 (release 7 Juli 2004)
* download mIRC 6.17 (release 17 Februari 2006)
* download mIRC 6.2 (release 28 Juli 2006)
* download mIRC 6.21 (release 23 November 2006)
* download mIRC 6.3 (release 16 Agustus 2007)
* download mIRC 6.31 (release 1 November 2007)


Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2008

shell untuk psybnc GRATIS!!!


Bagi rekan-rekan yang kepingin punya shell gratis untuk menjalankan psyBNC, saat ini saya menemukan dua situs yang menyediakan shell gratisan! ada vhostnya! keren kan? :) mau daftar ? pilih aja salah satu dan coba register. Atau pilih dua duanya langsung juga boleh :
praetorian.shellhostia.com - Copy disini
hope.free-shell.net - copy disini
Thank you for registering at SHELLHOSTIA. We are delighted to inform
that your account 'dianlog' will be created within the next 30 minutes!

Take careful note of your login details below and consider printing
for your own records.

access host: praetorian.shellhostia.com
port: 22
shell user: visual
shell pass: visual

To access your shell you can use putty:

access page: http://web.shellhostia.com/index.php?page=login
user name: visual
password: visual

In order to keep your shell active, and avoid suspension,
please follow the rules in our TOS:
LIST FREE SHELL (tambahan):
Server & services:
- two T3s lines (xo.net and broadwire.net)
- SIGs, Music Compilations and Membership activities
- 10+ DEC Alphas (DS20L/DS10L) running NetBSD
- Supporter of the NetBSD project and The Computer History Museum in Mountain View California
- Members vote in new features
- Member contributed programs and tutorials
- 80MB (free), 600MB and 800MB disk quotas
- Membership perks (such as free admission to the Computer History Museum)
- User configurable email greylisting feature
- Partnership with Colleges world wide for free, in most cases, remote learning
- DSL as well 16,000+ Dialup access (PPP or SHELL) numbers in the USA and Canada
- IRC access to free users on Saturdays and Sundays
- motd.org project - user authored and maintained blogs, photogalleries, forums and more.
- VPN with IP4 assignment in our Class C.
http://www.grex.org Server: OpenBSD
Services: email, lynx, personal webspace, compile C programs… (quota: 1Mb)
http://www.nyx.net Server: ???
Services: email, ftp, telnet, lynx, personal webspace of 100K
http://m-net.arbornet.org Server: FreeBSD
Services: email, pop3, lynx, personal webspace, compile C programs (quota: 500kb)
http://www.xox.pl Server: ???
Services:email,pop3,ssh,irc,ftp,web space (quota: 1Mb)
http://www.rootshell.be Server: Linux
Services: pop3/web email, webspace, the complete set of UNIX/Gnu tools, quota: 2M
http://www.daforest.org Server: Linux
Services: email, pop3, micq, ftp, personal webspace with cgi, ssi, eggdrop (quota: 10Mb)
http://www.polarhome.com Server: Linux, FreeBSD, VAX (OpenVMS operating system)
Services: Email, pop3, irc, ftp, eggdrop… cool place on different operating systems!
http://www.titanix.net Server: Linux
Services: pop3,pop2,imap,smtp,ftp,irc,mail,mail->SMS,compiliers, NO quota for now..
http://deathrow.vistech.net Server: OpenVMS on VAX/Alpha
Services: IRC usage is allowed but no bots/relays/etc.
http://nic-nac-project.dehttp://www.freeshell.de Server: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0
Services: http://nic-nac-project.de/~yourname, Quota (Web & Home): 100 MB on your personal directory, FTP, SCP, SFTP, CGI, PHP4, SSI, SSL, MySQL (one DB, ask for it), PHPMyAdmin yes
eMail: yourname@nic-nac-project.de
Clients: mutt, pine, POP3s, IMAP, WebMail, maximum email size (per element): 7 MB
Features: Spamassassin, Razor2, Anti-Virus (drop of infected mails)
http://www.jvds.com/freeshells/ Server: ???
Services/Info: No irc, Quota: 6Mb (shared between mail and web)
http://www.unixdaemons.com/ Server: FreeBSD
Services/Info: mail, webspace, perl… (quota 12Mb)
http://www.polarhome.com/ Server: Linux/RedHat, Linux/Debian, OpenVMS/Alpha, OpenVMS/VAX, Solaris, Ultrix, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, HPUX, AIX
Services/Info: Polarhome.com is non commercial, educative effort for popularization of shell enabled operating systems and Internet services, offering shell accounts and other services on all available systems.
http://www.silenceisdefeat.org/ Server: OpenBSD
Services/Info: 50MB storage space, http access (http://silenceisdefeat.org/~username), ftp access, ssh, telnet, and communication programs such as IRC, AIM, MSN, ICQ, Lily, and email.
http://www.zsuatt.com/ Server: linux
Services/Info: public_html, php,cgi-bin on request, 3bg procesess, 50mb space , eggdrop allowed, access to compilers , bitchx, ftp , ssh access, and a lot of more…
http://www.rulex.net/ Server: FreeBSD
Services/Info: Free Email - 5mb space, 2 processes / 1 IRC-connection, Free Web-Space - 50mb space, PHP & MySQL supports. Compilers, ssh and telnet has been disabled. BNCs are forbidden.
No new accounts are being granted!
http://www.aeshells.org/ Server: Slackware 10.1
Services/Info: multiple servers, ssh, email, webspace, 200mb, irc, bitchx, eggdrop, mysql, much, much more…
IRC support: irc.aeirc.org #aeshells
http://freeshell.simosnap.com/ Server: Linux on a 2048/512 dsl line with static ipv4 and ipv6
Services/Info: Free shell service reserved to italian users only. Psybnc eggdrop, ipv6, bitchx, irssi, 2 max process per user, usermin wget…
http://freebsd.prohostuk.net/ Server: FreeBSD
Services/Info: 5M disk quota as standard (more might be available if you can justify it), webspace (PHP enabled), an email address, crontab access (limited), access to all the standard UNIX command line tools and compilers, IRC access through BitchX…
http://www.celebris.net Server: FreeBSD, Celeron II 700MHz
Services/Info: Access via SSH/SCP, e-mail, MySQL, webspace, PHP, 7 MB quota, IPv6 support, 1 bg, IRC access, NO bots or bouncers
http://unixclan.no-ip.org/ Server: PA-RISC Debian Linux
Services/Info: Few restrictions, instant account additions, see webpage for more details.
http://www.zerged.com Server: Slackware Linux
Services/Info: Offering free shells for IRC access, eggdrop, php, webmail. Runs BitchX and irssi.
http://www2.steve-gibbs.co.uk/ Server: Mandrake Linux
Services/Info: webpage, irc, gcc, pico , php , cgi scripts… quota: 10Mb
http://www.shellsnet.org Server:
Services/Info: A large group of free shells providers have joined together on one IRC network and website. That network/site is known as ShellsNet, and is founded on the idea that different shell providers can help each other out in various ways, from sharing information about abusive users to admins helping each other with resolving technical issues…
http://bsd.miki.eu.org/ Server: FreeBSD
Services/Info: Polish server. Full featured freebsd accounts suitable for developement, communication, php, unix scripting, etc.
http://www.chules.net/ Server: Linux (Fedora Core 2)
Services/Info: ???
http://jiyu.gnook.org/ Server: OpenBSD 3.6 - Pentium 2 350hz, 128mb ram
Services/Info: 10mb quota for files (mail on seperate computer), webmail, IRC, WWW, FTP, SSH, NO BNC (and other IRC CRAP)
http://shell.yaphog.org/ Server: FreeBSD
Services/Info: C compiler, perl, free eggdrop hosting, webhosting + php, BitchX, ircII, psybnc, telnet and ssh access, local ircd, and many more free of charge on FreeBSD systems.
http://www.gibbs-hosting.co.uk/freehosting.html Server: Mandrake 10
Services/Info: 5mb disk space quota, Bitchx access, gcc,cc, pico, php, cgi scripts, apache, public ftp, LYNX access, PHP/CGI scripts enabled
http://www.phoenix-network.org/ Server: Debian
Services/Info: Eggdrop, Psybnc, Irssi, BitchX, IRCD, Shoutcast, IPv4 and IPv6, Vhosts, SFTP, MySQL, PHP, Webhosting, Forum Hosting, Perl, Gcc, Tcl, Sh, Nano, Pico (Disk Quota: 500MB)
http://freeshells.mtveurope.org/ Server: Debian GNU/Linux
Services/Info: 100Mbit bandwidth, Telnet and SSH, gcc compiler, Perl, Python, shell scripting, IRC clients (irssi, Bitchx), eggdrop, IRC access to all IRC networks, 3 Background processes, 1 Gigabyte of quota, including detached sessions (”screen” command is available), FTP access (your own directory accessible via FTP), Your own crontab (running programs in specific periods of time)
http://www.systemshell.net/ Server: Debian Linux
Services/Info: Email: YourUserName@systemshell.net, Website: http://www.systemshell.net/~YourUserName, Disk space is limited. Background processes are limited and can only be programs we have preinstalled on the system.
http://www.kverka.no/ Server: FreeBSD
Services/Info: email/webmail,pop3,ssh,irc,ftp,web space,psybnc,eggdrop,muh,namserver (disk quota: 100mb)
http://www.freeshell.se/ Server: OpenBSD
Services/Info: sshd, irc only ipv6, www with php, storing files and learn som basic commands, nameserver, 25mb disk quota, 1bg process allowed and running programs the staff has selected
http://www.geekshells.org/ Server: ???
Services/Info: IRC clients, MySQL database, www, ftp, email, vhosts, quota: 5Mb
http://www.darktech.org.uk/ Server: ???
Services/Info: based in scotland, UK. Comes with irc access and allowed background processes.
http://furry.doesntexist.org/ Server: Debian Sarge
Services/Info: Your own homepages under public_html, MySQL + PHP, IRC, JSP, quota 1Gb!
http://nullshells.com/ Server: ???
Services/Info:NullShells.com provides free shell access via SSH with secure FTP, Web (PHP/PERL/MySQL) and storage space, free subdomain/domain hosting, IRC client access (BitchX/Irssi), IPv6 vhosts. No email access at this time. Access to development tools such as compilers. No unauthorized bots or bncs. New mature community oriented provider. Must go through account approval process.
http://www.disflux.com/ Server: OpenBSD
Services/Info:Services: PHP, GCC, perl, ruby, TCL, python, irssi, bitchx, epic, games, more. IRC: yes, eggdrop allowed, no bouncers, Quotas: 25MB /home, 25MB www (more if needed)
http://www.bobshells.be/ Server: 4 servers, debian linux
Services/Info:Services: pre-installed eggdrop, pre-installed psybnc, bunch of linux apps, NO WEBSITE/E-MAIL HOSTING, internal server for hacking and fun :), servers on 1Mbit/256KBit connection, account on one of the 3 user servers… Quota: 10Mb
http://www.boinc.ch/ Server: OpenBSD3.8, 64-bit Sparc architecture
Services/Info:Services: 15MB diskquota, homepage http://www.boinc.ch/~yourname , E-mail address yourname@boinc.ch , PHP support and many GNU tools and development compilers available. NO background processes (exceptions may apply)..
http://sense.do.pl/ Server: Running on AMD Duron 1,3ghz
Services/Info: Fully featured account with www/php/mysql(ask for it)/shell/mail.
Accounts will be also quotted for about 40MB fo data.
http://dieguin.no-ip.org Server: Debian Sarge
Services/Info: Free Shells; ssh, bitchx, eggdrop, psybnc, bnc, ircII, webhosting, mail, 4bg for account, Quota: 50mb. More info WWW
http://catcher.no-ip.org/ System: Linux 2.6.12
shell account with unlimited software usage and unlimited bg processes, webspace (catcher.no-ip.org/anything) with php and mysql database, ftp access to Your account, 1 GB disk quota
http://lostsouls.uv.ro/ Services: ???
http://artax.homelinux.com/ Server: Fedora Core 5
Services: IRC chatting, compiling, and basic unix usage.
http://osmiumnet.com Services: free SSH and SFTP accounts (quota: 10Mb)
http://univac.gnu-linux.net/ Services:
Homepage URL: http(s)://univac.gnu-linux.net/~yourname/
Email Address: yourname@univac.gnu-linux.net
50 MB Quota on your Personal Directory and Mailbox.
SSH, SCP and SFTP Access
CGI, PHP, SSI, SSL, MySQL (One DB, only at request) and PHPMyAdmin.
WebMail and Community Forum.
Access to mutt, screen, python and a number of other unix commands.
irssi, preconfigured to connect to DilexNET IRC Network.
http://hamish.awardspace.com/ Server: Linux Debian Sarge
Services: eggdrops, three user psyBNC’s (including yourself) and irssi/bitchx.
http://www.nonlogic.org/ Server: Debian GNU/Linux
SSH and SFTP access
2 GB Quota
Webspace ( username.nonlogic.org, PHP (v5), MySQL, wiki )
Development environment: (c, c++, java etc), interpreters (python, perl, lua), code editors (emacs, nano, vim), version control (svn)
Web Based Control Panel
IRC exclusively for donaters ( No Bouncers )
http://blinkenshell.org Services:
SSH and SFTP access
50 MB Quota ( more space can be requested )
Webhost ( username.blinkenshell.org , PHP (v5) enabled )
Database ( MySQL , 5 MB Quota, optional )
Mail ( username@blinkenshell.org , optional )
IRC access via screen and irssi/BitchX ( No bots, no eggdrops: Bots. No bouncers. )
ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, MSN access via CenterICQ. Jabber access.
Development environment: compilers (c, c++, java etc), interpreters (python, perl, php), code editors (emacs, nano, vim), utilities (subversion, cvs)
http://freeshells.ch/ It is a 64bit Ultrasparc Architecture running NetBSD
250MB of disk space
publicly accessible website (http://www.freeshells.ch/~username)
send/receive email (username@freeshells.ch)
file transfer via scp, sftp, ftp
shell login via ssh or telnet
IPv6 connectivity
no bots, bncs, or bg’s while logged out
http://www.free-shell.net/ Vhosted shells for free just for psyBNC and nothing else. Choice of great amusing vhosts.
If you fail to login once per day, your account will be suspended! (???)
http://www.anapnea.net/ Server: Gentoo Linux
Services: 8MB disk space,
MSN, AIM, YIM, and other clients (including ctorrent), Perl, GCC, CLISP, Ruby, and many development tools, Misc. apps and games such as netris,
Limit of 16 simultaneous processes and 3 simultaneous logins per user
Your own webspace at anapnea.net/~username/
SFTP access
No bots, no zombie scripts, no abuse, no rudeness…
http://new-order.org/ Server: FreeBSD
Services: ssh / sftp access
100 MB disk quota , screen, lynx, BitchX, centericq
mc, vifm and much more
send and receive emails using mutt or pine
homepages under public_html
http://rednex.1.vg/ Server: gentoo linux
Services: 200MB space, tools for: icq, irc, c/c++, mail, etc…
http://glupie.info/ Server: ???
Services: quota: 10-100 mb, php, mysql, irc (bitchx/irssi), ekg, wget, screen, ipv6, jabber server, subdomains: *.glupie.info.
http://www.theunix.info/ Server: Fedora Core 6
Services: quota 100MB, web space(in quota), php, mysql databases, all kind of developer tools - gcc, cc, python, perl, php… processes 50, screen/detach, psybnc, eggdrop, centericq, micq, BitchX, irssi, software install upon request…
Signup by postcard or by donation of money
http://tshells.selfip.org Server: ubuntu linux
Services: Trinity Shells provides free linux shell accounts on ubuntu server edition. The free shell includes 50 megs of space for webhosting, network programs (irc, telnet, ssh etc), access to compilers (c, c++, perl etc) as well as access to MySQL.
http://shellshock.homeunix.net Services: Users are supplied with 500MB of storage space. Instant messanging services including MSN, AOL, Yahoo!, Jabber. IRC services like Eggdrop, BNC (bouncers), and proxies. And web hosting with MySQL, and PHP.
http://shellhostia.com/ Server: FreeBSD
Services: Vhosts available. PsyBNC and Eggdrop supported.
Users must login to their web page once per day to maintain their account… (???)
http://singularity.darkspace.info/ Server: RedHat Linux
Services: Quota: 20 Mb, IRC access, gcc, cc, perl, php, python, bitchx, pico, emacs, lynx, wget…
Background processes allowed, but NO psyBNC, Eggdrop, BNC
http://shellweb.net/ Server: Ubuntu linux
Srvices: Web Mail Access, Home page http://vhost.shellweb.net or hosting your own domain name, FTP access, MySQL Database, SSH access…
http://hackbox.ath.cx/ Server: Linux
Services: ssh, telnet, lynx, BitchX, mail, webspace etc.
http://jaguar.garofil.be/ Server: Debian Linux
Services: SSH, MySQL database, 1 background process, 10 simultaneously running processes, 25MB bandwidthquota, quota: 10MB
http://savsem.debil.net Server: Fedora Linux
Services: 1 bg, IRC, Eggdrop, no BNC`s, mail, web, 15 mb quota
http://www.visualserver.org/ Server: Linux
Services: No applications running in the background, webssh, Quota: 500Mb
Server: FreeBSD
Service: www, ssh, sftp, bitchx ,eggdrop, psybnc, lynx, wget… no. of processes: maximum 2 only
http://www.narkwork.com/ Server: FreeBSD
Services: Shell login via SSH or Telnet, ftp, gcc, c++, mail, web page under public_html, php, perl, python, mysql, screen, BitchX, 100MB quota and more. Request something you don’t see.
Server: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0
Services: vim, emacs, lynx, pine, PHP 5, 1 MySQL 5, up to 10 background processes, email , webmail, quota: 500Mb. Unixpod Provide tools to aid developers and users to create/use open source software.
Server: Debian Linux
Services: SSH/SFTP, GNU tools, gcc, g++, make, Perl, Tcl, Python, Bash, php, perl, mysql, irc, bitchx… Quota: 500Mb
If users dont say !keep on IRC channel at least once in a 24 hours period their account will be deleted! (hm, hm!?)
http://www.s33n.net NEW! Server: Linux/Debian 4.0
Service: Web Mail Access, Home page http://s33n.net/~YourUserName or hosting your own domain name, FTP access, MySQL Database, 50mb space , eggdrop allowed, access to compilers , bitchx, ftp , msn ,ssh access, and a lot of more…
http://www.learningshells.com NEW! Server: Debian Linux, 8GB RAM, QuadCore CPU, 10Mbit
Services: personal web page (50Mb), personal unix email account, able to compile C programs, background processes, and more..
http://netburst.zenknight.org NEW! Services: 1 eggdrop, and 1 client for the freenode.net network, user can run maximum 2 backgro

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008

si entonk


Kami sebagai Panitia

dalam perkumpulan Anak kudus dan akhirnya bisa terlaksanakan juga
atas perhatiannya dan kesuksesan dlm membimbing oleh dayat [donal]
kami berterima kasih banyak yachh
